Posted in Love & relationships

Keeping it real with God

Frogs, Love, Valentine'S Day, Greeting Card, Romance

Relationships are not that complicated.

I am a sucker for ‘put it before God’ right from the start, even before you consider saying yes.

But I’ll be honest with you, half the time I ‘put it before God’ I was scared of what God would say about us. After I’d finally decided to accept this chocolate man’s advances I wasn’t ready for God’s mighty gravel to sentence me to eternal loneliness or suspend all feelings for the ninja.

We all know its human nature to fear the worst, to expect the best, to hope for a good outcome in an ‘obviously’ good thing. We are naturally not good with No.

It crushes, breaks, sets you back further than you’d anticipated and I’d like to think the same mentality or worse cuts across to letting go of the person you love or need to love. Heartbreak.

Broken, Heart, Love, Red, Romance, Relationship

When I ended a four year long relationship I literally felt my heart rip out of its place, crush into a thousand minced pieces, burn, dry up, chaff away. To think that I was the one who had ended it and yet I felt this way was beyond me, I could only imagine what the other party felt.

But see, throughout the four years I never, not once did I put that relationship before God mostly because I didn’t need Angel Michael in his warrior gloriousness telling me the relationship was empty, dead, kaput! Once you are born again, the conviction of the Holy Spirit especially if you let him, will always tell you when your position is unfavorable for personal and spiritual growth.

He wasn’t born again, he was a catholic, he was a very nice person but he wasn’t BORN AGAIN and that should be the standard against which every  Christian lady/ gentleman should measure their ‘halfs to be’. Most times, we women are engineered mechanics, we want to correct a situation, make it right, perfect it and sadly, this cuts across to the men in our lives as if we are the manufacturers.

We are so full of hope that our prayers, acts of service, LOVE will bring him to Christ that we keep on machining ourselves to ‘make it work’ we turn the relationship into a personal project that must succeed against all odds, we forget the Zechariah model ‘Not by might nor strength but by Your spirit, thus says the Lord’ be fooled not child, if you can save yourself the problems that will ensue with different belief systems, run! Your belief systems should be at the same wave length before you can even breathe the same air let alone operate at the same frequency.

The reason why I insist on putting it before God is simply because among the sheep still lie wolves and God in his ever abounding love will surely reveal to you if that guy is black, white or in a grey area. There is no better guide for the person you intend to be with than the Holy Spirit it’s no wonder he is called Helper, Counselor, Advocate. Maximize his name in every aspect of your life. Like I said, relationships are not that complicated.

The uncertainty and fear of that big No is natural but when it does come, acknowledge that it’s God extending his love to you, telling you the best is yet to come etching you away from the devil’s waiting trap to a pleasant place.

Say yes to the no! Being single for a while is not jail time it’s your perfection process. Alabaster boxes aren’t made overnight!


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God the potter-Man ,imperfect clay

Each time the memories of attending BAY C for the first time flash back, the thought of the attitude that I wore whenever this “BAY C” thing was talked about is never skipped. I recall the self-reassurances on a number of occasions that this just wasn’t my kind of thing.
For a long time, I had failed to get to a place of forgiveness for a father that would reject their daughter. I had seen him as nothing but an unapologetic coward, despised him and I thought that I didn’t care since he was literally not a part of my life but I was lying.
The fact that I hurt was proof enough that I did care. The pain of letting go of this bitterness during BAY C 2015 felt as though a heated machete  was piercing through a wounded chest. I was broken and numb but I remember it felt better after. If this is just a simpler definition of the term “healing”, I can boldly say I was healed.
Then came about one of the most sensitive and interesting talks, “Identity”. Christian as I had claimed to be then, how could I have never known that I am a child of God, I’m holy, I’m righteous, I’m rich, I’m beautiful…why did the world have to set a standard for me this whole time? Why did I care when I wore that dress or skirt or blouse or jeans…and no one complimented me? How low did I think of myself!!! How much did I insult God in so doing? I mean a self-sufficient God who in himself is perfect, being lowered to the level of these gods that make mistakes??? God forbid.
Are you in a situation like I was in or even worse? Are you fed up of that life that you’re living? Are you suffocating inside that closet alone? It could be a closet of hate, addictions to alcohol, smoke, drugs, premarital sex…you know it better than I do. God’s love didn’t give up on me even at my lowest point in life. After BAY C, I thought I’d still look back at my former life and appreciate it but trust me, I was wrong. God helped me discover myself and settle for what he had created me to be and here I am today, a better and more proud person of the “me” I see today.
BAY C brought me to a place of self-realization and as a result, I renounced so many of my ways, I broke off relationships that were headed nowhere, and all these I replaced with better relationships, I’ve become passionate and shameless about Christ over time. I have also understood the grace of God and trust me, I’d never trade it not even for the wealthiest of treasures.
BAY C did not change me!!! BAY C gave me an opportunity to change.