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We are One in Christ!! That’s our song this year, it’s our message, our label, OUR THEME!! Fellowship is always a blessing, this one was one of a kind! We were reminded about the Vision and mission of the DYF…and the questions that were posed by the woman of God were the kind Christians would rather not talk about… Take time to reflect on the few we will share in this week’s post! Enjoy!

John 1

One is a beautiful word.. in one is many.. everything starts from one
 everything gets it’s existence from one.
Even the absence of things is defined by one

Our oneness is defined by Christ. We get our existence and are defined by this One-Christ.

Now the questions!!!! Here goes.. Are you ready to identify with the Jesus who was not popular? Are you ready to be in people’s bad books (just like Jesus)? Are you ready to be one with Him to the ends of the earth?
Are you ready to be one with Him even when it’s not convenient, even at that hour when sleep is sweetest? Are you ready, to stand in the gap when He tells you to?- to be one with Him in what He is about?

Romans 5.12-21

Do you only want to know Christ after His resurrection?? It was for His death that He came. He desires that we are One with Him in all aspects of His life. We cannot be One with Him if we only want to associate with the glory and not the suffering!!

The vision of the DYF is;
“A generation of young people that spearhead the cause of Christ through exemplary lifestyle and fruitfulness in every good work in his kingdom and that is resilient to the pressure to succumb to the prevailing decadence.”
The Mission of the DYF!! is;
To fervently pursue Acts5:42″ Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah ” as the guiding theme to urgently reach young people, impact, equip and commission them as agents of change within communities”

Spearheading the cause of Christ is basically being a functional member of the body of Christ.
One member cannot possibly do everything, but everything can be done if all members operate as ONE-in Christ.

Can you identify with Him, in His life, death, power, authority?, in the things that His heart beats after? Can you be one with Him in His love for others.? Can you be one with Him and as a result align this nation to be one with Him???? If your answer to these questions is YES..then glory!!!!

We are just getting started with the theme…keep with us!

God bless you

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Having the Chairman himself at the pulpit doesn’t happen every week, but this Thursday was quite the blessing having him do an exposition on this year’s theme!! Here is some of what he shared…

Last year’s theme was given to giving, and the point was that as Christians, we were made by God to be givers…of ourselves, of our belongings… For such a theme to thrive in a year like 2020, considering the pandemic and the  lockdown only shows us that God’s ways are surely way above our ways. He gave and continues to give us so we can give!!!

This year, 2021, we are ONE IN CHRIST!! Yes, that’s our theme
John 17:18-21

The world is full of division due to racial, political, social differences. However, none of these should matter to us as Christians. What should and will matter at the end of the day is your position in Christ!
Even when we get to heaven, the only thing that will matter will be the worship that comes from us to God.
When Paul was writing the letters, he wrote addressing people as conquerors in Christ and he was referring to the church as a whole. Much as he mentioned names, he was communicating how these people fit together as the Church-one body
showing them that as a Whole unit, the Church lacked nothing!

We often fall prey to wanting for ourselves, looking for followers, likes and attention. We have been told that our success is in as much wealth or in as much popularity for one’s name as we can get.
Jesus’ vision for the Church is very different from that, from what we’ve been told. What He teaches is different and
if you do not take what the Lord teaches and keep on blaming the people (Colonialists, parents and the world at large) who have made your life the way it is, you will suffer destruction for yourself

John 14:9-11
 The only way we shall survive tribulation on this earth is if we are a unit
If we are ONE..
The more we realize that the “me” notion is not the vision that Jesus had for the Church, and that it will not by any means exist if we are apart, the better for us as a Church.
As individuals, I pray we realize that we exist off the existence of the people that are close to us

You will not be known for being HIS by singing nice songs and going to church every Sunday…no…they will know you are HIS if only you love one another as the Church
 The vision was for a closely knit body, closely knit to the extent that it doesn’t make sense to the people who are outside…

To be continued…

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Called to Community! LOV.

The ladies of Virtue had a discussion online(WhatsApp) over the weekend… This was spearheaded by mama Elena Natukunda and our Topic was Called to Community.

Why this topic? We believe that individualism is not the way of Christianity. The gifts we have are for the edification of the church and that, more than anything, involves people. We are Called to Community.

Life gives us enough reason to withdraw from fellowship but God’s standard is it, unchanging. The various reasons why people resort to seclusion were pointed out and by the grace of God, ways to combat the situation too. Here goes…

What causes us to go into seclusion away from fellowship?

1) Insecurity about the past.
2) Considering oneself undeserving.
3) Conflict.
4) Low self esteem.
5.) Fear to be rebuked when we go astray.
6) Peer influence(seems teenage but it’s real).
7) Introverts. (Individualists)
8) Exhaustion from busy-ness.
9) No appreciation from fellowship.
10) Fear of vulnerability.
11)Disappointment and self condemnation.
12)Fellowship not concerned about one being away yet concerned when they need money or anything for one to give.
13)No responsibility assigned to one so they don’t feel compelled to attend fellowship.
14)Relational issues like breakups, crushes etc!
15) People minding your business.( Fear of accountability).

As you can see most of these are personal issues that are away from the point of Fellowship, God. And as you continue reading, here are some ways to counter the above stated issues.

1) We have to mature to a point where our desire for or personal relationship with God is what brings us to fellowship.

2) The Golden rule, Matthew 7:12.

3) There is a structure in fellowship and if it doesn’t contradict with biblical standards, stay and learn.

4) Know your identity and that way, low self-esteem, fear, inferiority complex, self pity or feeling undeserving will be dealt with.

5) Reach out to people, love on them, whether new or old members so that no one feels left out.

6) Instead of running away, we need to take time and learn the lessons God has for us in that mix..that way we grow.

7) Let us Trust God and Love People, LOVE 1Corinthians 13:4-8 and practice it! Forgive! Apologize! Speak up when offended!

8) Correct your motive for attending fellowship. It should be God. Amen!

9) Realign your expectations. Don’t expect from people what only God can give. He will use people to minister to you, but it’s God then people not the other way round.

10) Humility. (Romans 12:3) Amplified version expresses it well!

11) See what you can contribute to the fellowship and do it.., instead of waiting on the receiving end or waiting to be assigned roles. We are Given to Give-ing.

12) Matthew 18:15 for conflict resolution.

13) Jesus is your reward! Keep on keeping on, He sees what you do and nothing done for the Lord is in vain! Hallelujah!

14) When rebuked (in love), instead of taking offense, take the lesson. Don’t think you’re being judged when rebuked. Rebuke is good and is necessary for our growth!

As each one personalizes and puts into practice these things, we will grow into a stronger and better fellowship, the church we are supposed to be.


For the next 10 days, reach out to at least one person in the fellowship, especially the ones u have never talked to!!!

We are Called to Community… But as you lock yourself away remember, The same walls that lock the pain and hate out, lock the love out as well.

God bless you!!!!!

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The planted flourish!

Hello!!!! Here’s an excerpt from John Bevere’s The bait of Satan. This particular one emphasises the fact that you flourish in the place that God has chosen for you. Moving from one place to another in the aspect of ministry because things are hard is not always the best option. Read with me…

The Bible says in Psalm 92:13, “Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God” (emphasis added).
Notice that those who flourish are “planted” in the house of the Lord. What happens to a plant if you transplant it every three weeks? Most of you know that its root system will dimin-ish, and it will not blossom or prosper. If you keep transplanting it, the plant will die of shock!
Many people go from church to church, ministry team to ministry team, trying to develop their ministry. If God puts them in a place where they are not recognized and encouraged, they are easily offended. If they don’t agree with the way something is done, they are offended and go. They then leave, blaming the leadership. They are blind to any of their own character flaws and do not realize God wanted to refine and mature them through the pressure they were under.
Let’s learn from the examples God gives with plants and trees. When a fruit tree is put in the ground it has to face rain-storms, hot sun, and wind. If a young tree could talk, it might say, “Please get me out of here! Put me in a place where there is no sweltering heat or windy storms!”
If the gardener listened to the tree, he would actually harm it. Trees endure the hot sun and rainstorms by sending their roots down deeper. The adversity they face is eventually the source of great stability. The harshness of the elements sur-rounding them causes them to seek another source of life. They will one day come to the place that even the greatest of wind-storms cannot affect their ability to produce fruit.

Friend, your root system will definitely dwarf if you aren’t rooted in one place. Eventually, there will be no growth. Keep where God has chosen for you, so your roots can grow deeper and your strength will not be small in the day of trial.! God bless you.

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The tongue of the learned. Isaiah 50:4

On Thursday the 13th of February, we were privileged to have Pastor Hillary Turyagenda sharing on the topic “The Disciple’s tongue”. He preferred to call it the Tongue of the learned, from Isaiah 50:4 “The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I may know how to sustain with a word him who is weary…..”

Much as I would love to write word for word of His sharing, I cannot but I simply will, from my understanding share Thursday’s teaching…

The tongue of the learned, speaks for God, every word that comes out is inspired by God. And to speak for God is to prophesy.. yes to prophesy. It was brought to our knowledge that prophecy is not necessarily about predicting things and events!! But rather prophecy can be encouragement to someone, it can be words of adoration to the Father. It can be a rebuke, as long as it is inspired by God. Look at the Psalms! Poetic prophecy, yes they are! and very few of the Psalms are predictions!!!

The tongue of the learned therefore, speaks that all may learn and be encouraged. (1corinthians 14:31).

The tongue of the learned leads people to repentance. (1Corinthians14:23-25)
The tongue of the learned speaks so that all may be comforted..

The tongue of the learned speaks that which is seasoned with salt. ( Colossians 4:6, Ephesians 4:29). It doesn’t only mean speaking good things but rather that word that is beneficial at that particular time. Good or bad, if the word fits the occasion, then say it! (Ephesians 4:15). It is better truth spoken in love than love telling lies!!!

Truth and comfort go hand in hand and to speak truthfully and comfortably to someone is admonishing them! From Proverbs 12:18 we see that the tongue of the learned brings healing. What is healing for, if not for wounds or ailments?? If your brother’s character is “wounded”, as a learned person you will have to give them or tell them words that will heal and better their character! Quite uncomfortable, isn’t it? But it’s what suits the occasion, Amen! So be it!!! In doing all this, do as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23-25).

The offender and the offended: If a brother sins against you or offends you Matthew18:15-17 is the right thing to do!

But suppose he responds at stage 1, then definitely an apology should be expected, and offender should confess, own up what they’ve done wrong and say SORRY! Now for the offended, saying it’s okay after an apology is not right! The “seasoned” response to an apology is “apology accepted”!

Saying it’s okay to an apology or a confession is an escapist kind of language that further encourages the fuel to the fire!

The greatest friend you have is one who can tell you where you go wrong.

Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!!! Psalms 107:2-3 Let your tongue be taught or learned, that when confused, ask! When offended, seek that apology. When you offend, apologize!!! and only apologize for offences which you’re aware of, because confession means to own up the wrong, so you can’t own up what you do not know!

Again I say Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!!!! Amen and Amen.

See you again this Thursday 20th February as our very own Chairman Abel Rwego shares more about the Disciple’s tongue or rather the tongue of the Learned.

God bless…

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The Disciple’s tongue!!!

Away from the testimonies, the DYF is starting to decipher the theme of the year and The Disciple’s tongue is our topic for this month!! Let’s welcome Areeba Ivan, head of Discipleship and nurture as he gives us a clue on what to look forward to from this topic. He writes…

As we pursue this year’s theme “GIVEN TO GIVING”, the topic entitled “The Disciple’s tongue” came to our hearts as the Discipleship & Nurture team, which we saw as something we need to be taught on, for the month of February.
In Isaiah 50:4, we see that the Lord gives us the ‘tongue of the learned’. This is a gift that the Lord has given us and its now on our part to know that it has been given to us and for a purpose. So it ought to be our desire to seek understanding from the Lord concerning its purpose and how we ought to use it to speak a word in season to those who are weary.
So as we look forward to the vessels God will be using to reveal to us this truth, we pray that the eyes of our understanding are opened to know that we have been given “The tongue of the Learned” and once we know and understand, we will be able to speak a word in season to those who are weary.

PS: the preacher will be Pastor Hillary!! Come for fellowship this thursday 13th February to find out which Hillary. See you there!!!

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Kakumiro!!! Welcome with me Kenneth Mugume as he shares one of the wonderful things the Lord did during mission!!!

DYF Mission to Kakumiro commenced on 26th December 2019 and ended on 2nd January 2020.. A team of 34 went out to preach the gospel and in a span of 1 week, about 850 souls came to the Lord. In addition to this, many signs and wonders we’re done by the Lord through this team.Let’s build each other’s faith as we share some of the things we witnessed in Kakumiro.

During a Deliverance Service at all saints Kakumiro, while engaging in deep prayer, I felt a burden upon my heart to pray for a specific man who needed something from God. While I opened my eyes, to my left was a middle aged man who also opened His eyes and started walking towards me with expectation to be prayed for. I asked Him what he wanted God to do for him, he said his right ear was deaf and he wanted it to function normally like the left one. I prayed and also laid hands on him and while I commenced in intense prayer, I was instructed to do an act of faith while engaging him. I told him in his left ear that I was going to say the name Jesus from the deaf ear seven times and by the seventh time, he will be hearing. I did so and when I finished and asked him if he heard anything, he told me he heard me from the 5th time and that his right ear heard Jesus 3 times. I continued to pray for him and thank God as well. I thank God for using me to pray for many others who were sick and received healing plus leading men into forgiveness and to Christ as well. Glory to God.Amen and Amen!!!!!! God bless you all.

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What You Missed At JAM2020?!

JAM (JESUS AND ME) is the annual gospel concert or party held by the teenage arm of the DYF (Disciples Youth Fellowship) called Impact International. It’s just a beautiful way to celebrate Jesus every start of the year, and this year, 25th Jan was no different as the theme went, MASK OFF from 2 Corinthians 4:2.

Lovers and Well Wishers of the DYF

The Impact choir started off in songs of praise and worship and I must say if you weren’t visited by the spirit during this session you were in the wrong place. This was followed by the theme exposition by Phillip Muzahura, this word/theme was timely because we live in times where we have things that pass for right yet there wrong but the good news is that, that’s the reason Jesus came, that’s why its Jesus and you.

The Impact ChoirđŸŽ€đŸŽ¶đŸŽ”â€

Many guest churches were invited and among those were Anointed Shakers from Kasokoso and I must say they chose the right name because they are truly anointed for what they do, St. Andrews Bukoto, Christ community church Mutungo, and then there was this group called Sabula nation 4 Christ. The style that these guys brought for Christ was uniquely startling. Everyone loved it and I must say it left a mark and everyone screaming as well. Now in between here was a hype session, words fail me on how to describe this one because it is the epitome of energy and fun.

The Guest Churches❀

Of course the hosts themselves the impact girls and boys also had something to give. If you weren’t there, ask anyone who the impact boys are? They’ll go like
 those are the guys that danced in suits, they had too much drip and they left the crowd wanting some more.

Impact Girls and BoysđŸ”„

This year’s impact jam was totally unusual because we had two guest artists gracing the occasion. The performance from both Dreign and Barna was epic, you had to have a wiping towel, your legs had to be fit, you had to have enough space around you and of course great clique dance buddies because these guys closed the show in style.

L-R: Dreign and Barna

If you missed this year be sure to catch us again.. I mean JAM 2021!!!

DYF Publicity Desk 2020

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JAM..Jesus And Me!!!

It’s a joy to see our little ones put their best foot forward to achieve something. JAM is coming right at us and as usual it’s being spearheaded by Impact International!
Considering the time we live in, where we have so many things that pass for right, yet they’re actually wrong, MASK OFF( 2corinthians4:2) is a very timely theme.
Standing for what’s right and doing what’s right never come easy but here’s the good news, we have Jesus. #Jesus_and_me!!As we get geared up for 25th, Mask off Tshirts are on sale so feel free to get yourself one at a fee of course, color choice is yours.Better still, our guest artists Barna and D-reign have confirmed attendance. Soooo we ain’t bluffing, this is as real as JAM is 5days away!!
We also have guest Churches coming along with performances.
Our very own impactors are seeing to it that their vocals and dance moves are in order for the day.
It surely can’t get any better than this!!!
See you on 25th in your dancing shoes… God bless